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saviena scarves

Payment Information

saviena scarves

Payment information

  1. After signing in, select a product or more and proceed to checkout
  2. Fill in your shipping details and choose your shipping method
  3. Select the payment method you prefer to use
  4. Available payment methods: Direct Bank Transfer, Alfamidi, Direct Bank Transfer, Virtual Account, E-Wallets.
  5. When you’re all set, click ‘CONFIRM & PAY’
  6. Please do not close the browser when the order is processed
  7. You’ll be directed to a page where you can see information about how to pay for the purchase with your chosen payment method.
  8. Each payment method has a different time limit. The maximum time limit for Virtual Account Bank Transfer is 1 Hours.
  9. For some payment methods such as direct bank transfer, you will need to send your receipt to whatsapp number or email us at
  10. All payments will be confirmed automatically and the order status will be updated to paid. 

Payment Method: Direct Bank Transfer

  1. Checkout on Website
  2. After selecting your items and checking out on our website, you’ll receive an order confirmation email from Seller
  3. We will send you an email with the bank details for your payment.
  4. Please make the transfer to the provided account
  5. Complete the Payment
  6. Once you’ve transferred the total amount, please send the payment receipt to us via:
    WhatsApp: +62815 6022 807
  7. Payment Verification
    We will verify your payment and proceed with shipping your order.
    Thank you for shopping with Saviena Scarves!

Pay with Virtual Account Bank Transfer Mandiri

  1. After you click ‘CHECKOUT’, you will be directed to fill in shipping details and choose the payment method you prefer to use
  2. Select payment through Virtual Account Bank Transfer and choose Mandiri
  3. After you have selected Mandiri as your payment method, click “CONFIRM & PAY”
  4. You will be directed to a page that shows the payment instruction and your Virtual Account Number
  5. Follow the payment instruction that is shown on your screen and use your Virtual Account Number to complete the payment
  6. Payment can be made through Mandiri Internet Banking
  7. Insert the payable amount of your payment and then confirm
  8. Your payment is completed and you will receive an email from confirming your payment

Pay with Virtual Account Bank Transfer BRI

  1. After you click ‘CHECKOUT’, you will be directed to fill in shipping details and choose the payment method you prefer to use
  2. Select payment through Virtual Account Bank Transfer and choose BRI
  3. After you have selected BRI as your payment method, click “CONFIRM & PAY”
  4. You will be directed to a page that shows the payment instruction and your Virtual Account Number
  5. Follow the payment instruction that is shown on your screen and use your Virtual Account Number to complete the payment
  6. Payment can be made through BRI Internet Banking
  7. Insert the payable amount of your payment and then confirm
  8. Your payment is completed and you will receive an email from confirming your payment

Pay with Virtual Account Bank Transfer BNI

  1. After you click ‘CHECKOUT’, you will be directed to fill in shipping details and choose the payment method you prefer to use
  2. Select payment through Virtual Account Bank Transfer and choose BNI
  3. After you have selected BNI as your payment method, click “CONFIRM & PAY”
  4. You will be directed to a page that shows the payment instruction and your Virtual Account Number
  5. Follow the payment instruction that is shown on your screen and use your Virtual Account Number to complete the payment
  6. Payment can be made through BNI Internet Banking
  7. Insert the payable amount of your payment and then confirm
  8. Your payment is completed and you will receive an email from confirming your payment

Pay with Virtual Account Bank Transfer BSI

  1. After you click ‘CHECKOUT’, you will be directed to fill in shipping details and choose the payment method you prefer to use
  2. Select payment through Virtual Account Bank Transfer and choose BSI
  3. After you have selected BSI as your payment method, click “CONFIRM & PAY”
  4. You will be directed to a page that shows the payment instruction and your Virtual Account Number
  5. Follow the payment instruction that is shown on your screen and use your Virtual Account Number to complete the payment
  6. Payment can be made through BSI Internet Banking
  7. Insert the payable amount of your payment and then confirm
  8. Your payment is completed and you will receive an email from confirming your payment

Pay with OVO

  1. After you have selected OVO as your payment method, click “CONFIRM & PAY”
  2. You will be directed to a page that shows the payment instructions via OVO
  3. Open your OVO app
  4. Check your payment details in the app and then click Pay
  5. Enter your PIN
  6. Your payment is completed

Pay with Alfamidi

  1. After you click ‘CHECKOUT’, you will be directed to fill in shipping details and choose the payment method you prefer to use
  2. Select payment through Alfamidi
  3. After you have selected Alfamart as your payment method, click “CONFIRM & PAY”
  4. After confirming your payment, you will get a unique Payment Code number
  5. Note down your payment code and the total amount of your payment
  6. Go to the nearest  Alfamidi store and provide the cashier with the payment code number
  7. The cashier will confirm your transaction by asking for the total amount of your transaction and the merchant name
  8. After being confirmed, you will receive an email confirming your payment is successful
  9. Please keep your payment receipt just in case you need help via support
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Saviena Scarves
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